Mive Eco - Marine Exhaust Systems - Italy

Mive Eco designs and supplies complete water injection exhaust systems for main propulsion engine development. The exhaust systems feature a unique back pressure control guarantee.

Mive Eco engineers are the best that the naval field could wish for: they work with the precision of surgeons to make your yacht work at its best. We produce exhaust systems for new build or refit yachts that are second to none.

Mive Eco has an unrivaled internal know-how. In addition to our experience designing marine exhaust systems, we also understand shipbuilding, machinery, hydrodynamics and construction issues. Equally vital is the creativity of Mive Eco professionals, who provide complete solutions in the most demanding situations. Our engineers have solved countless challenges to ensure better use of prime real estate in the engine room.

Produciamo sistemi di scarico per principali motori in tutte le dimensioni e layout. La riduzione del rumore è, ovviamente, sempre una considerazione importante nel nostro design: se hai requisiti di massimo livello di rumore, sei nel posto giusto! Per gli scarichi di scarico subacquei, utilizziamo il nostro design della paletta appositamente calcolato e testato in vasca, che rende la paletta una parte integrante del design dello scarico.

Con oltre 200 sistemi di scarico subacquei perfettamente sintonizzati per i motori principali sotto la nostra cintura, abbiamo dimostrato senza dubbio il nostro pedigree come professionisti nelle soluzioni di scarico.

Mive Eco

Mive Eco is the world's leading company in the design, engineering and production of exhaust systems for all types of motor yachts, sailing, military and passenger vessels.

The company